Internet Insanity of the day..and shameless bump
cognizant dissident
JoinedPosts by cognizant dissident
The Insanity of Arguing on the Internet!
by cognizant dissident inin an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
Sleaze Update...
by White Dove inemail exchange just a minute ago:.
him: "i just wanted to let you know that i never had any intention of causing any harm.
and i apologize for anything that seemed that way.".
Living alone or rooming with someone
by White Dove inwhich do you prefer?.
i like having a roommate..
cognizant dissident
There are advantages and disadvantages to both. A roommate is like a marriage mate (without the sex). Pick a compatible one and it's very pleasant for both. Pick a bad one and you are living in hell!
I currently live with my son and we get along fine 95% of the time. We've learned to stay out of each other's way when we're tired or not in a good mood we retreat to our rooms. When wanting to socialize, we meet in the kitchen or living room.
My mother also wants to move in with me. No way in hell will I let that happen! 2 hours with her every Sunday and I can barely stand her.
Edited to add: The main problem I have with her is a lack of respect for boundaries. She doesn't even understand the concept.
Broken Heart...
by brotherdan insome of you have read what i wrote on this thread:
here's the final email my wife just sent me 1 minute ago:.
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cognizant dissident
My sympathies for what you're going through BrotherDan. I'm not sure I like the idea of telling her it's all your fault and you'll try to be a JW again. Simply, because its not true and I don't think a marrriage can survive long term if its built on a foundation of dishonesty and mistrust.
I think what you could tell her, which is true, is that you are on the same path. You both still believe in God. You both still believe in the Bible. You both love your children and want to do what's best for them. Those are all paths you share and those are the big ones. Disagreeing about Bible interpretations of what Jesus and Jehovah and the apostles MIGHT have meant, are the small things and not worth rifting a family over.
You could then point out some scriptures for her that agree with you. There is one somewhere about not fighting over words and interpretations. There is one about Jehovah hates a divorcing. There is one about not leaving an unbelieving mate who is willing to dwell with you. Read those scriptures to her calmly and with love. Tell her you are willing to stop talking about your different interpretations to her because it is causing fighting and emotional upset. (This is not the same as admitting your wrong or agreeing to be a JW). Tell her that you do not want to divorce her. Tell her that you are willing to dwell with her even though she doesn't believe as you do. You are willing to follow those three scriptures. They are main ones for counseling Christians on differences in marriage and belief. Is she willing? Ask her? Ask her to explain why she is not willing to follow the scriptures on these important family matters? Ask her is she truly believes in her heart that it would be more upsetting for your son to see mommy and daddy disagree, resolve it or call a truce, and continue to dwell together, than it would be for him to have a broken family?
If she tries to pull the "spiritual endangerment" excuse, tell her that you are willing to stop talking to her about religion and endangering her spiritual viewpoint. In return you only ask that she respect your right to not go to the KH or listen to her viewpoints. In short, call a truce.
If she wants to save your marriage, she will agree to your terms. If she doesn't, some part of her probably wants out or wanted out anyway. Many JW's have this delusion that they can get rid of the unbeliever, wait for them to commit adultery and live happily ever after with a good theocratic brother. If she seems to want to go that route, you can remind her that the odds are not in her favor. The life of a single mom with small kids is a hard row to hoe for a regular woman, never mind a JW. Don't make it too easy for her.
If she insists on separating, don't help her by moving out, or helping her more than what is your court ordered child and spousal support. Insist on joint custody and use the JW crap against her in court to get it. It is against the law where I live to alienate one parent due to religion. Document every case of her doing this starting now, before you ever separate. Dates, times, word for word in a diary what was said and done.
You may lose your wife. In the end, that's her choice. It won't be because you were unreasonable and didn't compromise. It will be because deep down, that's what she wanted. You do not have to lose your kids too.
Hope this is helpful. Please let us know how it unfolds.
Sleaze Update...
by White Dove inemail exchange just a minute ago:.
him: "i just wanted to let you know that i never had any intention of causing any harm.
and i apologize for anything that seemed that way.".
cognizant dissident
I've been in a bad relationship and I can vouch for the truth of that Vampy. I spent many, many lonely nights sleeping alone on the couch when I was married, too. I may be lonely now, but at least I can have the entire bed to myself!
Sleaze Update...
by White Dove inemail exchange just a minute ago:.
him: "i just wanted to let you know that i never had any intention of causing any harm.
and i apologize for anything that seemed that way.".
cognizant dissident
I'm struggling with it too, White Dove. I got engaged at 18. Married for 26 years. I loved being single for the first 8 months or so as my marriage was so bad at the end, by comparison, single was great. The novelty is wearing thin already though. It is a little lonely at times even though I am meeting new people regularly.
I mostly feel it in the evenings why my son is gone and on Saturday nights when he is out with friends. I'm trying not to get discouraged and trying to be my own best friend and enjoy my own company (which for the most part, I do). Finding an intimate partner would be the gravy on my already good life.
Good point about the lessons and the learning. We have learned how to live in relationship. Now we have to learn how to live alone. I've no doubt that there is much to be gained from learning how to do both equally well.
Back from New Orleans, ready for DF announcement!
by SweetBabyCheezits in[click here for a little history...].
mission accomplished!
my wife and i held off the announcement and were able to attend my bil's wedding & reception this past weekend.
cognizant dissident
I left years ago and I don't smoke much or drink much. But a couple of months ago, my father the PO, came over to to my house for his annual, "save an apostate daughter" visit. The visit went OK. He didn't talk about religion this time. He did pray over the barbecue without asking me which was a bit obnoxious, I thought. He also invited some old pioneer friends to join us, at my house. A tad presumptuous, I thought, but with JW's that's par for the course.
Well, it was an early evening as they had a ferry to catch. As soon as they left, my son, who is 21, gets out the Jaegermeister. "I've been waiting all day for Grandpa to leave so I can do this", he says. I say, "yeah, what the hell, hit me too." Then he pull out his cigars which he smokes occasionally with his friends on poker night. "You can't have a jaeger without a cigar", he says.
I hesitate, not a big fan of smoking, afraid of cancer. What the hell. "Light me up", I say. He does, and there I am, sitting on the deck, the beautiful twilight and perfume of a summer evening, peacefully sharing a drink and a cigar with my son, who is now a man. No horrible scene. No shunning or upset had to happen. The sky didn't open up or fall in on us. It was just a peaceful bonding moment, sitting silently, blowing smoke rings in the warm evening air.
"You realize if Grandpa comes back right now, for that lens cap he left, you are totally screwed, don't you?", he asks me.
I think about it for a moment, blow another smoke ring, shrug and say, "Yeah, I'm good with it." And I really was.
...Who is the "Bilderberg Group"?...What effect Do they Have on your Life?...
by OUTLAW inthis thread is your chance to participate in an investigation... google is your friend..use it... .
the "bilderberg group" is a publicy known group..they don`t hide... they are the worlds "most" powerful people.. they influence your life everyday... they will influence your future... they have an agenda..and..have made a public statement about it... i will make the 1st post... of a public statement made by the "bilderberg group"... .
denis healey.
cognizant dissident
The Bible itself was given to us by a group of powerful and wealthy men who belonged to the the wealthiest nation/trading centre of their time. They convened the counsel with the emperors blessing. They chose the writings of the time which would consitute the belief system of the uneducated masses. They compiled it and said, behold, this is your holy book. Follow it's instructions to the letter and if you are unsure as to the meaning, come to us and we will decide for you.
Is that not a conspiracy of the same sort that you are accusing the Bilderber Group of?
The Insanity of Arguing on the Internet!
by cognizant dissident inin an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
The Insanity of Arguing on the Internet!
by cognizant dissident inin an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
cognizant dissident
So, JD, you are saying that we are all here to pontificate pointlessly? I think that's an oxymoron.
ps: Your ring must have got lost in the mail.